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School Improvement Plan

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Thomas Academy School Improvement Plan

As part of the Thomas Academy commitment to student achievement, the school continuously works on an improvement plan.

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Self Study 5-Year Goals 2022

In addition to our School Improvement Plan, as part of our 2022 North Carolina Charter Schools Self-Study, Thomas Academy has three goals and objectives for the next five years. These SMART goals address three specific areas.

Goal 1 (Academic): Meet growth on state tests
Strategy 1: After school tutoring
Action Steps: Providing tutoring in Reading, Math, and Science
Strategy 2: Use of NWEA MAP testing
Action Steps: Access students quarterly and use data to adjust instruction and for small group planning
Progress Indicators: RTI, IPG Interactive Partnership Grant
Milestone Dates: Interims January, March, June, November
Professional Development: NWEA training and Quality Instruction Professional Development
Assigned Implementation Team: Administration, Faculty, and Staff

Goal 2 (Financial): Utilize all funding in the best interst of boys and girls
Strategy 1
: Increase student achievement
Action Steps: Purchase Elevate that will provide virtual Math and Science Instruction for Middle School and High School Students by certified teachers and hire a certified Exceptional Children's teacher and an English/Language Arts teacher
Strategy 2: Decrease discipline incidents
Action Steps: Implement school-wide behavior plan
Progress Indicators: Incident reports, report cards, MAP DATA, EOG/EOC
Milestone Dates: Interims January, March, June, November
Professional Development: Quality instruction framework mode and Applied Behavior Analysis
Assigned Implementation Team: Administration, Faculty, and Staff

Goal 3 (Operational): Increase the percentage of certified teachers to 50% or more
Strategy 1
: Implementing Quality Education Framework Model to develop a professional learning community at Thomas Academy
Action Steps: Purchase Elevate that will provide virtual Math and Science Instruction for Middle School and High School Students by certified teachers and hire a certified Exceptional Children's teacher and an English/Language Arts teacher
Strategy 2: Provide Educational Leadership and guidance to all personnel
Action Steps: Perform informal and formal evaluations through educational walks
Progress Indicators: Formal and informal observation reports
Milestone Dates: Weekly and monthly feedback given to personnel
Professional Development: Weekly and monthly staff meetings and monthly professional development
Assigned Implementation Team: Administration

Our Sponsors and Partners

  • Boys and Girls Homes
    Boys and Girls Homes
  • Lions International
    Lions International
  • Jaycees
  • Key Club International
    Key Club International
  • Rotary International
    Rotary International
  • Civitan International
    Civitan International
  • ECA North Carolina
    ECA North Carolina
  • GFWC North Carolina
    GFWC North Carolina
  • Kiwanis International
    Kiwanis International
  • Optimist International
    Optimist International